Addiction - S01 E07 (Story Episode)

PrviousRead Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 7
while emeka was still banging chioma,he took it slow because he knew she was a virgin.

chioma was already close to o----m and needed to pee but she couldn’t stop because of the f--k she was receiving from emeka’s rod.

emeka f----d f----d f----d like his life depend on it.

immediately he released into chioma’s p---y which made chioma scream with satisfaction.

chioma’s mum was already at the door when she heard chioma’s voice from outside,in haste she knocked the door and started shouting chioma’s name nonchalantly thinking she was in trouble, not knowing somebody is giving chioma banana .

chioma open this door,are you alright? her mother shouted with tension.

hearing her mother’s voice,chioma quickly got up while emeka removed his Dickson from the valley of pleasure and put it back to it cage.

chioma quickly put on her panties,bra,ski
rt and ran out leaving emeka in the room.

then she opened the door,her mother quickly ran to her holding her face like 10yrs old
chioma been her only child she treated her like an egg.

,chioma why are you shouting like that(she questioned) breathing heavily like gorrilla.

no mummy I saw rat that why(she lied)
you almost gave me a heart attack this girl.

her mother looked at her and saw that she was sweating then she saw some whitish liquid on her leg,
chioma what that on your leg her mother questioned boldly?                                                   Next
