Addiction - S01 E14 (Story Episode)

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 14
Thursday morning
now it 7:oclock, chioma’s mum was done getting dressed so she cooked some noodles for her and chioma to eat for breakfast when she realized chioma is not out yet.
chioma's mum POV
does this girl realize it 7:o’clock already, why is she not here? I said loudly,she’s supposed to get to school before 7:30(I said),chioma do you want to spend the whole day dressing up?,I shouted. no reply,chioma do you hear me?,I yelled once more,no reply. wait oo,is this girl deaf or what, I said angrily.
the noodles was ready with some eggs so I served them on the table for chioma and i,immediately I served the food on the table, I stormed down the hall to chioma’s room,in order not to meet her undressed I knocked and called her name one more time,chioma?,I said knocking thrice on her door,no reply.
out of fear and curiosity I pushed the door open and saw chioma on the bed sleeping with her clothes off,completely naked.

“chineke”,I whispered. this girl is still sleeping by this time I said loudly for her to hear my voice and wake up but she didn’t move a muscle, she turned with her ass facing up trying to enjoy the sleep the more, with anger I spanked her on her ass,chioma wake up, I shouted hitting her double times on her ass,she flunked her eyes open immediately but not fully awake, with my strength I spanked her double times again and she jerked up looking at me like she saw a ghost.

oh God am late for school,chioma yelled,why are you naked on the bed by this time when you’re supposed to be dressed up ready for school ? I asked her(with my eyes looking at her head to toes)
chioma's POV
mum I already woke up by 6:o’clock,i took off my clothes and was heading to the shower but I fell asleep again(I lied),but you never wake up this late before,only on Saturdays,how come you’re still snoring by this time? my mum said, because I was reading last night then I slept late (I lied again),do you realize it 7:30am already she said pointing at my wall clock, I give you ten minutes to dress up now, my mum said angrily and stormed out slamming the door behind her,God pls forgive me for all this my corny lies I said as I stormed to the shower.
I took time to wash my p---y well in order for it not to stink from what emeka poured inside yesterday, immediately am done bathing myself, which took me about 5minutes,I dashed out of the bathroom, cleaned myself with a towel and brought out a clean underwear to put on, I cupped in my bra which I found on the floor where emeka tossed it last night, I picked my panties which emeka threw on the floor before giving me a wild f--k last night, I took it and dropped it in a bucket in my bathroom, I quickly picked my uniform where I hanged it yesterday, it just a skirt and a shirt which was little easy to wear so I put on my skirt and put on my shirt.
while I was fixing my shirt buttons I arranged my scattered books from my table and put them in my bag then I dashed out and slammed the door behind me without remembering to cream myself, this door will spoil one day from too much slamming, I said as I ran to where my mum was waiting impatiently, sorry mum,I said faking a smile,now listen young woman,she said pointing at me, let this be the last time you will make me go to work late,do you here me? she said and handed me 200naira for lunch in school… you have your own spare key so lock the door by yourself and take 100naira for bike because you’re late,she said as she handed me the money and went out..
I checked the wall clock in the living room, it was 8:o’clock already, by now they should be done with assembly I muttered as I ate the noodles on the table..

this was all emeka’s fault,I thought, what am I turning into?,a b---h?, if not for the pornographic video I saw on his phone all this wouldn’t have happened, now I lost my virginity,while still in my thought I glanced at the time and saw 8:10,f--k what am I still doing at home,as I finished my noodles and trashed the plate on the sink and ran out(closing the door with my spare key), immediately i was outside my gate,a bike man passed okada I shouted as he halted to a stop,DHS I said as I mounted on the bike, he understood the meaning which was Dedayo high school,it was the most popular private school in that vicinity….
