Belina - S01 E07 (Story Episode)

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 7
She was terribly worried cos she had
promised to call around 10pm when she was sure that her father would be asleep to
conclude on d time they would carry out their plan
Belina had explained everything to Prisca & even though Belina
didn’t like being a burden, Prisca had been able to successfully
convince her that moving in with them was d best option. She
had always wanted her around since she was the last born & also d only unmarried child of
d house. She had become lonely & Belina being her best friend had visited a couple of
times & she had enjoyed her company immensely.
She had
talked to her parents & they had supported their plan.
She looked at d time &
noticed that it was almost 12midnight & she became more
worried. She contemplated
calling Belina father in order to stylishly ask for Belina’s whereabouts but cancelled it immediately, then she picked up her phone &dialed Tony.
I opened my eyes & d
building I found myself started changing colour. It was after some minutes that my sight
regulated. The room was very dark that it took sometime for
me to see anything important. I remembered my abduction & made sure I was completely still.
I heard a snoring sound ahead of me & carefully as I could, I traced d sound & was not
surprised when I found two guys.

I remembered that I was drugged but it is either that d drug was not so powerful or that
God made me with extra tire for a time like this.
I noticed that they were fast asleep & I tried to stand up but
my legs were unstable. I gathered all d will inside me & pushed my weight up. I swayed but didn’t dare fall for
fear of giving myself away. I noticed that my shoes were gone & I didn’t bother about it. As I tip toed out, I saw my bag extremely close to one of d guys & making a cross sign, I
bent to pick d bag. As I was lifting d bag, it mistakenly hit d guy lying beside it & i
froze. The guy turned & to my relief, he changed position &continued his sleep.

I creaked d door open & it made some funny sounds that i
expected that someone would have woken up but i did not hear
anything. I sneaked out of d place with my heart in my mouth,
hoping that there was no one outside & glory be to God, i found myself running towards
the road within seconds bare footed.
Tony walked around d hospital checking on patients. After he left
Richard, he had gone to d hospital cos he was doing night today. Thanks to d little sleep
he had gotten during d day, he wasn’t feeling dizzy.

As he was going round, he saw someone that looked like Richard but dismissed it. When he passed by richard’s office & met d light on, he knew he must be in there. He opened d door
without knocking & saw Richard sitting on his chair going through some books.
“what are u doing here?” Tony
asked clearly surprised.
“exactly what u are doing here”, Richard replied & said,
“I need to check on d patient in ward C. I was just coming from
there & would be going there in d next one hour to ensure that he is still stable”
Tony stared at Richard for some minutes, sighed & sat down.

“You are putting urself into too much stress Rich,why are u doing this to urself?” he
“I am not doing anything Tony”
Tony stood up & walked up to Richard; “u need to stop blaming urself for what
happened to Tonia. Look at urself, u look drawn &stressed out. u need to sleep”
he said sympathetically.
Richard hated sympathy so he
flared up,
“I don’t need to sleep. I actually need to remain awake cos closing my eyes would
only compound my problem, & pls, stop fussing around me, I
am not a kid. I can take care of myself”
Tony sighed & made to leave.
“Tony” Richard called.
Tony looked back at Richard.
“I am sorry, I am just tensed up”
Tony nodded & just as he made to leave again, his phone rang & he looked at d caller.
“Prisca?” he said looking
surprised. He looked at d wall clock & noticed that it was almost 12am. He sat down back & picked the phone.

“Sweetheart?” he called
“Tony, I am sorry to disturb you”
prisca said.

He sensed something odd in her
voice and asked, “Are you ok?”
Prisca explained everything
including the fact that Belina
would be forced out of the
country by dawn if they did not
do something about it. Tony
listened attentively and when she
was through, he said, “Can you
sneak out of the house without
being seen?”

She replied in affirmative and he
said, “ok, I would be there in
fifteen minutes max. I would call
you when I get to your street.
Please honey stay inside your
compound and not outside, I
would pick you up and we would
go to her house. We would
discuss how we are going to get
her out on the way”.
“Thanks darling, I am sorry for
the inconvenience”,Prisca
replied greatly relieved.
Tony dropped the call and
Richard started his own round of
questioning. Tony explained
everything to him and Richard insisted on following him. After convincing him that his would be more useful in the hospital, he set out.
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