Belina - S01 E15 (Story Episode)

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 15
I stared at d TV in shock as d newscaster relayed d story of a murder. I sat shivering
in my seat,not really hearing what was
being said. Prisca’s parents initially did not know who was being referred to & they just
reacted to d news d way every normal person would.

Prisca who was by my side on d two seater couch hugged me
tenderly & when her parents looked at us, they remembered
where they had heard that name & Prisca’s dad became angry.

“So this is d bastard that have been making ur life miserable?” he asked & stared at Tunji’s picture again on d tv
“He d--n right
deserves what he got so don’t u dare cry if u love urself”
he said glaring at me.

I didn’t intend on crying &even if I did, tears seemed to desert my eyes. I should be
happy that I would finally have a little bit of peace but I just could
not smile. I pitied Tunji &wished he hadn’t ended his life like that. I had a strong convinction that if my dad had not made him believe that he could have me, he would not
have pursued me this long. I remembered that it had been
only 2days ago when I saw him & he looked so full of life.

The might & ability of God now amazed me tremendously as he
could wipe out anything &anyone with a second. Prisca’s mother scolded her husband for being too harsh on me & even
though he wished that Tunji would get a special department
in hell, his eyes said he wished he could kill him himself.
Richard sat in his office not looking very happy. Tony had told him about Deji’s memory
loss & how he only
remembered d traumatic accident & his heart reached out to him. He knew that that
state was far better than death & even though Deji had lost his
memory, he still gave thanks to God. He promised himself to do
all that he can to see that Deji recovers his memory. Deji’s
parents including Adewale &some friends came to d hospital & Richard had explained the situation to them.
He noticed that they were not thappy with his loss of memory
but were glad all the same thanking him for his help.
Although Deji should be around
24 to 25 years by his scrutiny, his
parents fussed over him like a
newly born baby while he just
looked at them confused.
He went into the bathroom to
wash his hands and when he
saw his reflection in the toilet
mirror, he noticed that he looked
drawn and stressed so made a
mental note to have a vacation
sometime soon. He left his office
and went into Deji’s room to
check on him and saw his
parents with him. Deji looked at
him upon arrival and smiled at
him. After greeting the parents,
he looked at Deji, smiled back
and asked, “How is the good
patient doing today?”
“I am feeling much better Doctor
Richard” Deji said still smiling.
“You can call me Richard”,
Richard said feeling a little bit
awkward having a young guy
like him call him so formally. He
wouldn’t have felt awkward if he
had not taken Deji’s case

Deji smiled the more and asked,
“When would I recover my
memory doctor? I feel awkward
when I see people I don’t
remember treat me with so
much familiarity”.

Richard nodded sympathetically
and said,
“Very soon. A
psychologist would be here to
check on you on Monday and I
think in a very short while, you
would recall even the day you
were born”.

Deji laughed at the joke and
asked another thing, “Can I at
least stand up and walk about a
bit? I feel like I have been lying
on this bed since the day I was

Richard laughed slightly was
about to talk when Deji’s mother
“no, u are not standing up from this bed yet o, ma koba mi iwo omo yi”, she said aggressively.
“He can stand up and have d nurses push him around in a wheel chair for a few minutes”,
Richard said softly even though Deji’s mother did not buy d idea. After convincing her that it is a good idea, he left & on d way, told nurse Titi to carry out d assignment
Tony had taken & evening off to rest at home and prepare for
service the next day & Richard also felt he should do d same
thing. He was glad that Tony had convinced d Human Resource
Department to employ Belina even though he knew she could
have been easily employed without his interference, she is
exceedingly brilliant. Even though
he still haven’t seen her he had seen her credentials and test
papers have acknowledged
that she must be a genius. He knew that she was going
through a tough time by what Tony told him the other day and
he was glad that she would be working there. He sat down in his office anticipating her arrival on Monday & how it would help Deji’s memory.
Sunday passed without any
unusual event only that I did not
attend my church and I had to
attend prisca’s church. The
church was a very big church
and the service was so enjoyable
but I was not used to being a
bench warmer. Prisca is a part of
the dancers in the church so she
did not seat with us. I forgot
totally about Tunji and my past
intentionally pushing it behind it
knowing fully well that when you
dwells on his past and problems
you remain stagnant
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