Belina - S01 E17 (Story Episode)

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 17
He smiled & became
professional within d twinkle of an eye. He handed over d
employment letter since I hadn’t
taken it yet, “My secretary would
show u to ur office in d
next floor. This floor is strictly for physical treatments &d next
floor is for physical therapies,counseling & psychological aids. You would be incharge of d psychological aids
department & u would be visiting d therapy department every Wednesday to have
sessions with d depressed patients. U are to attend to one
patient at a time & u are also to maintain a strictly professional
affair with ur patients. U would only work Mondays to Friday & u are to resume work by 8 am & close 5pm.

U have a personal secretary to urself & also have a large
working area to aid ur work.
Your salary is already written in ur employment letter, I can’t tell u ‘cos I don’t know what is there. All these things & others
I have not mentioned are in ur staff brochure which is already in ur office.” He said finally
pausing. I smiled & voiced my appreciation but as I was about
to stand up, he stopped me.
“wait, I know u have just arrived but u already have one
patient. My secretary would give u his file which explains his
case & d time for his
sessions daily”. He pressed a number in d intercom & his
secretary came in in a flash. He explained everything she needed
to do to her & when he was through, I stood up & he shook my hands,
“Welcome to
Best Results Hospital”
“Thank u sir”, I said &
followed d secretary.
Tunji’s parents sat in a room that was definitely too large to be a sitting room but that was what it
was. They both had facial expressions which shouldn’t
naturally be seen on d faces of important state personalities that
they were. The entire room was almost filled with body guards
who seemed to be created with stony faces. Mr James picked up his phone to call d
commissioner of police for d umpteenth time since Saturday.

He picked immediately.
“ur excellency sir”
“how far?” he asked
“sir, d investigation is still ongoing sir”, he replied with his
heart in his mouth.
“Listen to me carefully, I would be coming there tomorrow &
if I don’t see d bastard that murdered my son, u would be in serious trouble, do u
understand me?

“ye… yes sir”
“good”, mr james said & hung up.
He stood up & started pacing angrily. His wife could still not get
a hold of herself as she sobbed uncontrollably.They had informed their girls who were
abroad, Tola & Tinuke, &they were on their way home. “If
someone thinks he can kill my only son & go scot free with it then he must be out of his
mind”. Mr. james said as he paced d length of d
ridiculously long but tastely furnished room. He remembered d phone conversation he had with his son d very day he was killed & recollected him talking
about traveling out. He called d commissioner immediately & told him to find out all he can
from d workers in Tunji’s house. He had a strong feeling that d trip has something to do with d murder of his only son.
Richard entered his father’s house in a hurry. His father was
one of d few people he cared about d most in d world &he did not want anything to happen to him. His father had re-
married after their relocation to Nigeria & despite all he heard
about step mothers, she was d best person he knew. She had
given birth to two girls & a boy.
He saw his dad
seating in d reception & he greeted him.

“gud morning dad”, he said as he went to meet him. They
exchanged a warm hug cos it had been a long time they saw
each other & they were not just father & son, they were friends.
After a few minutes of catching up btw father & son,Richard’s father said,
“there is
someone here that wants to see u, that’s why I called u”
Curious, he asked,
Instead of answering, his dad led him to d main sitting room &
he stood rooted to d ground as he stared at d woman who had
abandoned him many years ago, his mother.
I entered my office & was impressed d more. Everything about d hospital was just
excellent but I kept a straight exterior not expressing my
amazement. Tony’s secretary had
done a good job of showing me
around but left my secretary with d job of showing my into my
office, showing me my working environment & other things.
I inspected
everywhere with my eyes appreciatively as my secretary ranted on about things I already
After some minutes, I was
alone & I looked everywhere not believing that I was actually seated in my own office. I closed
my eyes several times &opened it to be sure I was not dreaming. When I was sure that
everything was real, I knelt down & for close to 20mins, I just appreciated God for my life. I knew it could only be God cos everything had happened so fast that I still could not believe it was real. I stood up & opened d patient’s file with me.
I scanned through it
reading d case file.
The patient’s name is Deji & he had just lost his memory due to a fatal car crash. His wealthy family had demanded for 2hrs everyday in order to speed up his recovery.
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