Belina - S01 E08 (Story Episode)

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 8
As I ran out of the house, I noticed that the place was an
uncompleted building. I looked around and the only thing that I saw was bushes. I saw a small footpath and started following
walking very fast. I had always been extremely afraid of the dark
and within seconds, I started contemplating going back.
leaves caught in my hair and my
feet hurt because of the several
stones I had dashed my bare feet
on. I was totally afraid, I heard
different types of sounds but the
most frustrating this was that I
had no idea where I was. I
thought of the possibility that
there might be snakes and other
dangerous animals in the bush
and fear gripped my heart.
I looked around again and saw
the bushes and my heart beat
skyrocketed several degrees and
I soon found myself running. I
heard footsteps like I was being
pursued but later discovered that
I was only imagining it. I didn’t
even think about stopping and
even the moon seemed to
darken. Just when
I thought the footpath led to the
end of the world, I saw a road
ahead of me. I sighed aloud and
ran faster until I got there. I
stood there trying to see if I had
ever been there in order to find a
way out but I came up with

The road was desolate and I
started wondering if any vehicle
had ever passed it. I started
walking upwards but my feet
hurt so much that I feared they
would be bleeding and that
made my movements slow.

I remembered that I was with my
bag and I opened it hoping to
God that my phone was still
there. I zipped it and lo, it was
there. I switched it on and
noticed that the time was past
twelve and immediately, a
message entered.
When I opened
it, I noticed that it was from
Prisca. She was asking me why
my phone was switched off. I
was suddenly grateful that I had a best friend like Prisca.
I was
about to call her when I
remembered that I had no idea
what area I was. I intensified my
efforts and I got to a T junction.
Thanks to the efficient work of
Fashola, I saw the street name
which read, ‘Boruwa lane’. I
instantly dialed her number and
all I heard was, “the number you
have dialed is switched off,
please try again later, thank you”.

I almost broke the phone on the
floor as tears of anger and
sadness flowed down my eyes.
Kelvin got home really late from
the concert and he had a
splitting headache.
The headache
started immediately he set his
eyes on Belina and it accelerated
when she was called to the altar
to sing. He hadn’t seen her for
close to two years now and he
had wished that he would not
but fate always had its way.
He entered his house and
collapsed on the bed. He lived in
a one bedroom apartment,
although a big one. He was a
bachelor so his room was not so
decorated. His eyes were
swimming with tears but he held
it back.

His mind went back to the time
he met Belina and even though
he was not happy, a smile
formed on his face. She had been
sitting down on the field in
UNILAG reading a book when all
of a sudden, a guy walked up to
her. He had been watching her
for more than ten minutes when
that big headed goat
approached her. From her facial
expression, he knew that she
didn’t appreciate his visit and
instantly headed toward her. He
got there and wanted to beat the
life out of that guy but kept his
calm. The expression on her face
when she had looked at him that
day made him really feel
handsome. People had told him
he was good looking but he
hadn’t believed it until Belina
looked at him.

He stood up from the chair and moved to the fridge to pick out a bottle of cold beer. He had been friends with Belina for more than a year and after that, he had asked her out and after a little persuasion, she had accepted and then, just a week after her mother’s death, precisely six
months into the relationship, he
had blown them apart with his stupidity.
He started drinking immediately he left her cos he became very unhappy &miserable. It was then he realized
that she was his source of
Richard was worried about Tony & Prisca being outside so late but there was nothing he could do about it thought he knew that Tony could take care of himself & his baby girl. He headed towards Ward C even though it wasn’t 1am yet, not even 12:30
but he went there all the same.
He entered Deji’s room and just stood there, staring at him.
some minutes, he went over to check on him. He cross-checked
his heart beat, the drip bag, the temperature and other things
looking for any anomaly but found none. He headed back to
his office but stopped at the door when he heard some sounds. He rushed back to Deji’s
bed as he noticed that he was moving restlessly. Richard prayed in his heart and tried to calm him
down and just like a miracle; Deji calmed down and opened his
Sparrow woke up to a full
bladder and he stood up, went
outside and released the urine.

He came back inside and just as he was about lying down, he noticed something was missing.
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